What will be the Cut off merit result of FCI Management Trainee Exam Paper 1? Forecasting of Expected Cut-off Marks score for FCI MT Exam (Reservation and Quota Wise)- Paper Held on 17 November 2013 – Result Date

The most searched query after exam of FCI MT for participants is the Cutoff Marks Merit List, Result announcement date and what is the expert’s forecasting for Cut-off Marks to clear the FCI MT Tier 1 aka’ paper 1.

An Overview to Selection Process:

We know that you already know the selection process but still we have got some extra ordinary participants who didn't even bother to know the selection process so for them I should clear the process of selection again.
Simply Food Corporation of India will appoint candidates on Management Trainee positions of various disciplines as per their standard hiring process that include a Common written examination (Tier 1) that is already done and after this on the basis of cutoff merit score selected candidates will be called for the Paper II- also known as Tier II; basically it’s a specialization paper to judge competencies of candidates on their key skills after that their will be an interview round for short-listed candidates for final selection.  
Hopefully now you could imagine why we all are keen to reveal the expected cutoff marks result of FCI management Trainee paper 1:

FCI Management Trainee Expected Cut-Off Marks Merit Score:

To forecast the expected cutoff instead of taking experts opinion we’ve decided to assume it using the FCI MT Exam participant’s experience, to do so below we have given a simple pol, you just need to vote the option in that you think the cutoff merit score should be. As soon as you vote you will be able to see the result of the poll and it will show you what other participants think about the FCI MT minimum qualifying score to get shortlisted on the basis of their experience, paper difficulty level and competitiveness:

What will be the Expected Cut Off Marks Result of FCI MT Tier 1?

FCI Management Trainee Paper 1: Result Announcement Date:

The result, answer key and score will be published on the official website of Food Corporation of India under recruitment tab, usually the answer keys of paper get notified in couple of weeks after the exam whereas the result will be published in between of January 2014. The download of result will be possible through the name, roll number and date of birth only. Candidates who get selected will be called for the second phase of FCI MT Selection process
18 Nov 2013