Review of IBPS PO CWE-IV exam held on 2014
Reasoning : The reasoning section was too lengthy as usual but
moderate. Questions are asked from syllogism, inequalities,
input-output, data sufficiency, sitting arrangement, puzzle, direction
based questions.
Quantitative Aptitude : This part was very lengthy and time
consuming. It has taken too much time to solve 20 questions only within
stipulated time! Questions were mostly from data interpretation,
sufficiency, number series, mensuration, equations etc.
English : This section was moderate. There were two passages on
economics. Rest of questions were asked from cloze test, error
correction, fill in the blanks, jumbled sentences etc.
General Awareness : GK section was easy. Most of the questions
were asked from banking industry, current affairs such as currency of a
country, governor of states, books & author, tennis tournament
winners, award winners in 2014 etc.
Computer Knowledge : This part was also easy like GA section. The questions were from basic level like microsoft office, DBMS etc.