DSSSB (TIER-I) Examination (PGT) 2014 Schedule
- Name of Department : Dte. of Education
- Name of Exam : Tier-I (MCQ)
- Name of Post : PGT
- Date & Day of Exam : 30.11.14 (Sunday)
- Time of Exam : 10.30 A.M. to 12.30 P.M.
- Post Codes : 141/7, 46/10 & 47/10, 122/12 to 156/12, 159/14 & 161/14 to 191/14

The detailed scheme of examination, test components, syllabus and general instructions for candidates in respect of these post codes are being uploaded on the official website of DSSSB i.e. www.dsssb.delhigovt.nic.in.
Exam Pattern : Each question will carry one mark. There will be negative marking and 0.25 marks shall be deducted for each wrong answer.
Note : There is no provision of Re-Evaluation of Answer Sheets/Answer Scripts in the examination conducted by the DSSSB.
How to Download e-Admit Card :
- The e-Admit Card for the above mentioned post codes of PGTs (Tier-I) Exam 2014 (except 141/07, 46/10 & 47/10) are being uploaded on the official website of DSSSB i.e. www.dsssb.delhigovt.nic.in. and eligible candidates may download their e-admit card w.e.f. 12.11.2014 at 10 a.m. till 29.11.2014 upto 11:59 p.m.
- The eligible candidates for post codes 141/07, 46/10 & 47/10 may collect their e-admit cards from the Board office w.e.f. 25.11.2014 to 27.11.2014.
- Detailed instructions to download e-admit cards are given on the official website of DSSSB. In case any candidate of post codes finds difficulties in downloading the e-admit card he/she may contact DSSSB office on Telephone No. 22379204/22370307 or e-mail at addsssb.delhi@nic.in. upto 27.11.2014
- The Admit card of Tier II Examination will be issued only to Shortlisted candidates. The date for holding theTier II Examination will be notified separately later on.