MP NRHM DEO exam 2013 - Result AnnoucementMP NRHM Data Entry Operators 2013 Exam Result, DEO/Clerk Posts Result Announcement 2013, Check Online at, Exam Held on 25th October, Typing Test Details & Procedure
Madhya Pradesh National Rural Health Mission department has already conducted the written exam for various clerk/Data Entry Operator posts a while ago in the month of October 25th and is now going to release the result notification about this exam. A written exam was conducted which is organized by NRHM in which numerous candidates took part. You may find complete notification about MP NRHM DEO posts recruitment 2013 on our website. We had also discussed about answer key, paper review & exam pattern of this DEO exam.
The recruitment notification specifies 889 clerk/Date entry operator posts those will be selected after a written exam and typing test. The written test result will decide whether, you are participating in the typing test or not.
NHRM (National Rural Health mission) is directly monitored by the Ministry of health and is a national level department and keep recruiting new candidates every year. NRHM is a nationalized body that take care of providing best medical facilities and services in Rural Area, as well as these services are to help the people living under poverty line basically.

Result Announcement 2013

Our team members was in contact with the NRHM department last week and they received some very vital information about the results. According to our sources, the result is going to be announced during the first week of December. However, a little delay can be expected and by the end of December month, you will be notified about the interview procedure of MP NRHM DEO exam. Only those candidates will be selected who clears the written exam.
Madhya Pradesh Website Notification & Updates section
Interview & Typing test will be considered as the final selection process. Please stay connected with official website of MP govt. website :
The online result will contains the names of all those candidates who have successfully passed the written exam for DEO posts. The final selection will be based on a personal interview & Typing test that will again be conducted under the supervision of NRHM and a final list of candidates will be made based on that interview & Typing test. Get yourself prepared for interview while you wait for the results.

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24 Nov 2013