NTPC Diploma Trainee Exam Answer Key- 17 Nov 2013 Paper Solution n Expected Cutoff Result

NTPC Written Exam held on 17/11/2013 for Diploma Trainee (Electrical, Civil, and Mechanical) – Question Paper Solution and Answer Keys- Expected Cutoff Discussion and NTPC Test Analysis and Detailed Review

National Thermal Power Corporation Limited, a public sector unit where almost every engineering graduate and diploma holder want to get a job as it is one of the most reputed Indian company, so in chain of talent hunting today on 17. 11. 2013 NTPC successfully conducted the Diploma Trainee Exam to shortlist participants on the basis of Merit Cut-off Result. Here at this point the question is “How was your today’s NTPC Diploma Trainee Exam dated 17 November 2013”
We know that everyone who participated in NTPC Diploma Trainee Recruitment Written Examination is very keen to know few things after exam like the Answer Key and Detailed Paper Solution of question paper, Expected Cutoff Marks, Minimum Score to Eligible in interview, Official Result Announcement Date and a detailed section wise paper review and analysis in terms of difficulty and competition. As we’ve been provided you most of the information related to this exam like we notified you about the recruitment of NTPC then we shared Syllabus, Patten and Best Books for Preparation so in chain of the NTPC Diploma trainee exam here now we are sharing the answer keys and expected cutoff with comments about question Paper of NTPC held on 17 November 2013.

How Was NTPC Diploma Trainee Written Exam (Paper Review and Analysis)

NTPC conducted this exam at various centers around the whole country, the management of NTPC was very smooth and they did the written examination process very well even after having a big number of applicants. The exam was conducted in 2 Shifts (1st Morning Shift and 2nd Evening Shift).
The question paper was formatted as per the pattern and syllabus provided by NTPC Recruitment and Selection officials, as NTPC also know the popularity of their exams so they were planned to make it a difficult one and applicants were also aware that its going to be one of the toughest exam however calling the paper sets of today’s paper toughest wouldn’t be a fair judgment… I must say it was set on average difficulty level like in today’s scenario we all expect to face a difficult and hardest exam so that it was. In my glance applicants who were prepared did well in NTPC Exam.

NTPC Diploma Trainee Exam – Review and Analysis

As said above the Question Paper Sets of all shits were set on the standard Pattern provided the Official this paper was divided in 2 parts in them total 120 questions based on MCQ had to face, the first part were containing various 70 problems related to the Industry type i.e. Power and your Technical Field (Area of specialization) where as in second section there were total 50 questions related to General English, Math and Reasoning only.
As expected for all disciplines the technical paper was set on fire as this also refers to the main part whereas n second part the Quantitative Aptitude and Reasoning were a tough deal.
As this is our Expert opinion so it might be differ from you experience so we want our readers to answer the below given Poll to Analyze closely everything that you think about the exam.  On the basis of your opinion we would be able to have a close picture of Expected Cutoff Marks for Interview Selection and Section wise difficulty level.

Was the NTPC Question Paper Really Tough?

Which Section was most tough to Answer in NTPC Written Test?

survey solutions

What will be the Expected Cutoff Marks Result for NTPC Exam?
survey software

How to Download NTPC Diploma Trainee Exam Answer Sheet and Question Paper Solution?

We believe that the above analysis helped you enough so now the most important thing is how to find the answer key and paper solution of NTPC Exam held on 17. 11. 2013
The official answer sheet will be available on the NTPC career portal within few weeks from now so we advise our readers please like us on Facebook so that we will be able to notify you about the active links for download of NTPC Diploma Trainee Exam.

NTPC Diploma Trainee Exam Paper Discussion:

We want your comments on Today’s NTPC Exam, readers can leave them through below given comment box.
To reveal the answer keys we also request our readers to share questions that you faced in this exam and we will reply to them in comment box.
18 Nov 2013