JEE Main exam 2014 - Admit Card releaseJoint Entrance Exam (JEE) Main Paper 1 Admit Card 2014, CBSE JEE Next Exam in 2014, Hall Ticket for Written Exam to be held in March 2014, Download from
The central Board of Education (CBSE) recently released a notification regarding the next JEE exam which is going to be held in the year 2014 and online registration are already in process. All candidates has participated in registration and are waiting for their application to get approved by CBSE. Once the application of all eligible candidates gets approved, they can download their admission card and will be able to enter the examination hall.
JEE is widely known as an eligibility test that is welcomed by top institutions like NIT, IIT and others. If one clears this JEE main Paper – 1, then he/she will be automatically eligible to sit in JEE Advance exam. The mode of exam for JEE is online, that means all students are provided separate computer systems and multiple choice questions are attempted by students. Online checking is done in this scenario and results are thus declared very quickly by CBSE.

Admit Card Release :

Admit cards are released right after the successful completion of online registration of JEE main exam. The exam is scheduled in the month of April 2014. Once the online registration are stopped or the due date arrives candidates will be able to get their admit cards.
1) Open the website :
2) Find JEE Main exam admit card in the menu ( you will see it after the registrations are closed.)
3) Click on the link and enter details.
4) Download it and print.
18 Nov 2013