CSBC (Central Selection Board of Constable, Bihar) recently organized a written exam for the post of various fireman (under Bihar police). A total of 953 fireman posts are to be filled through this exam. Now, the exam is over and let discuss more about paper pattern, difficulty level, minimum cut-off marks and answer key solutions.
This board is only concerned with the recruitment of constables in the state of Bihar that includes firemans, head-constables, constables and other miscellanies.
CSBC Fireman Exam Paper Analysis
Last Sunday, when some of our friends contacted us to tell us about their experience in Bihar Police Fireman exam we were quite amazed. Bihar is a large state and with every recruitment there are attracted more than 5 lakh of students who always prepares very hard for every exam. Bihar is a state of hard workers as compared to other part of India.
We got to know that the exam paper was easy for the students of Bihar but not for other outer state students who came in to give this exam. They really found is hard and therefore, are close to getting failed. Whereas, Bihar students seems to be very confident about their performance and looks positive with the result. They gave it a rating of 8 out of 10, for all aspects.
As per other outer-state students are concerned, they gave this exam an overall rating of 5 out of 10.
Expert Reviews
After seeing the overall performance, reviews and ratings given by various students. Our experts found the paper difficult for a general individual. As Fireman post is a low-grade post and the exam shouldn’t be hard enough, therefore to counter the difficulty of exam more time should’ve been given to the students.
Best of Luck with the results, we hope you get what you deserve.
Answer Keys
A detailed solution sheet is yet to be released on the official website of CSBC that will include are answer options. The paper was in the form of MCQ’s where candidate need to select one option out of four. All answers will be available in the answer booklet that will be uploaded on the site in PDF format. Even if you misses some questions due to their difficulty level or not able to get the answer, that all question-answer will be available in the keys.
Cut-Off for CSBC Fireman Exam is expected to be 60%. It clearly means that you need to score 60 marks out of 100 marks or 120 marks if the total marks are 200. However, there are always chances of getting this mark changed.
Check this link for further information : http://csbc.bih.nic.in/.
Result 2013/Merit List
All selected candidates will be able to check their name in the merit list. The date of upload of result is the starting of February month in 2014.