Technical Helper Exam 2013Various Nigam Ltd companies including – RVPNL, JDVVNL, AVVNL, JVVNL & RVUNL conducted Technical Helper Exam Dated on 15th December 2013, Read Personal reviews about Exam and detailed analysis of question Paper, Know about Result Date and publication of Answer keys
All major sectors in Nigam ltd. organized and conducted this technical helper exam on Sunday, 15th Dec. The vacancy they conducted test is Technical helper that serves engineers and senior engineers to carry out miscellaneous tasks. Rajasthan Rajya Vidyut Prasaran Nigam Ltd (RVPNL) took the responsibility to set up examination process of this exam and which was held successfully last Sunday.

The selection process states that on the basis of just 1 written exam candidates will be selected and will serve thereafter for the posts of technical helper. The total number of posts were 5741 that was divided in fractions for various nigam limited departments. We got the opportunity to talk with some of the students who actually applied for this exam and gave us some reviews and analysis about it.
Student Review about Technical Helper Exam
As we all know, technical helper is a small scale level job with very less pay and low reputation. Therefore, the question paper made for this exam is generally very easy so that people can easily clear the exam and get selected. After talking to few students we got to know that overall exam paper and timings both benefitted the students and they came out of the examination hall very happy.
Answer keys
Sources are saying that, there is a possibility of the release of answer keys for the technical helper exam. So, that students can check the answer and question properly to forecast their performance in results. Answer key contains answer to all the questions that everyone would have encountered during the exam date.
Technical Helper Result Date 2013
If we had to guess any date of result for this exam, we can say that the results are going to be announced in the mid of January. The result date is not so far away from now. The result will be uploaded as a pdf file or merit list that will be containing names of all those students who has cleared the technical helper exam dated on 15/12/2013.
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Feel free to share your personal experience for Technical Helper Exam 2013 through comments.

17 Dec 2013