K-SET Exam 2013 - Answer keyK-SET Answer key 2013 – The most recent State Eligibility Test occurred on today ( 8/12/2013) for Karnataka State, Check out Question Paper reviews, Exam Paper Analysis, Solution and personal Queries of most participants, Cut-Off Marks, Paper Solution Release

K-SET (Karnataka State Eligibility Test) is scheduled to be happen on today and is being carrying out on various exam centers in Karnataka state. The recruitment was released in July month and thereafter students in large number shown interest to this Karnataka State Eligibility Test 2013. K-SET is an eligibility test for all those who wishes to apply for Lectureship (Assistant Professorship) in Karnataka state. Unless, you score minimum marks, you won’t be eligible to do so.
Question Paper reviews
We got to talk with some of the participants of K-SET and we had a long chat with them. The reviews given to us about the exam are as follows.
  1. Paper 1 ( which included general reasoning, aptitude & teaching ) was easy as usual and good attempt of all questions was made by students.
  2. Paper 2 was subject wise paper in which candidates were given chance to choose his favorite subject. Very few candidates said that subject paper was difficult & overall rating was good too.
  3. As we came to Paper 3 which included the language part was the most difficult one as told to us by many students. Since, they had very less time left for attempt it, they found it even more difficult. Language Paper always requires quite enough time which candidates usually cannot arrange. Very few students were happy with the overall exam.
The above exam reviews could be confusing for some students and could not be for other students. Do share your own experience in the comment box.
Expected Cut-Off Marks
The cut-off criteria for K-SET exam is expected to be 55% this time. However, cut-off varies from time to time. If you have more accurate information about cut-off, please feel free to share.

K-SET Answer key 2013

The answer key set is about to be release on the official website of K-SET. Those who are friendly with the website can easily find their exam answer keys. The release of keys will be made at kset.uni-mysore.ac.in.
Check your K-SET answer key using the following steps :
  1. Open this website : http://kset.uni-mysore.ac.in/.
  2. Find the news & Events section on the right sidebar of the homepage.
  3. Find release date of answer keys ( If released).
  4. Click on link to download.
K-SET 2013 Updates
Upcoming Events related to K-SET 2013 :
  1. K-SET exam 2013 Answer key December 2013.
  2. K-SET Result 2013                   - January 2014.
08 Dec 2013