Lots candidates looking and searching for NICL AO Re Exam Admit Card 2013 Download, NICL AO Hall Ticket 2013, NICL AO Call Letter 2013, Download NICL Admit Card Online in

National Insurance Company Limited (NICL) is going to conduct the Administrative Officers (AO) Exam on 08th September, 2013 but due to some problem NICL has postponed the AO examination date and will be successfully held on 15th December and 22nd December, 2013. As per the notification NICL Will published the Administrative Officers (AO) Exam Call Letter/Admit Card within 7 days prior to the date of examination.
Dear all candidates visit official website at and Can download admit card after the 10th December 2013.
Here is mentioning the NICL AO Exam Pattern:
1. Test of Reasoning - 20
2. Test of English Language - 20
3. Test of General Awareness - 20
4. Test of Numerical Ability & Computer Literacy - 20
5. Technical & professional knowledge - 20
6. Test in English language comprising of (Descriptive) - 50

Download NICL AO Exam Syllabus

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Candidates can also download their NICL Administrative Officers (AO) Admit Cared Results 2013 from given below link.
10 Dec 2013