Visva Bharati University Admit Card / call letter 2014:Visva Bharati University as soon  released the Visva Bharati University Hall Ticket 2014 & Visva Bharati University Admit Ca
rd 2014

The admit cards are available on the Visva Bharati University official website
All candidates who have applied for this Visva Bharati University Bsc Bcom Mcom Msc Bca Exams 2014 and are waiting for call letters can download their Visva Bharati University hall tickets 2014 from the official website i.e.
Download Visva Bharati University Admit Card / hall ticket 2014-
Visva Bharati is going to conduct this exam on 2014 & university is come under government sector candidates can download the hall ticket through a particular process first all candidates visit in the official portal i.e. link of official website is mention below Click on the related admit card link to download the hall ticket the candidates should mention details like Registration ID or Roll No. After downloading save it and take print out and take it while you are attending for the Visva Bharati University Entrance Exams 2014.
Go here to official notification
Students having any questions, then ask us through the comment box.
10 Dec 2013