APSC(APSC) Assam Public Service Commission is all set to declare the Combined Competitive Preliminary exam result held recently in December Month 2013 – Check CCPE Result 2013-14
The official Public service commission board of Assam (APSC) recently conducted the Combined preliminary exam on 29th December 2013 in which almost every graduate of Assam state took part. A total of 4 lakhs candidates participated in the preliminary exam. It was a written exam that will ensure your eligibility for further rounds of selection. Candidates who clear this first phase of exam, will become eligible for main exam that will held after few weeks.
About APSC
APSC primarily conducts only two exams :
  1. Combined Competitive Examination
  2. Departmental Examinations
Both the above exams enables you to serve the government of India and Assam. Assam PSC is a governmental board in the state of Assam that directly hire new candidates for the civil services sector. The recruitment is based on a two phase test – Preliminary and Main exam. To qualify for the main exam, you need to have minimum qualification score in preliminary exam. Following a few rounds of interview ensures your selection in APSC. If you clears the prelim exam that doesn’t guarantees your selection but only promoted you to next phase. APSC also conducts various departmental exams as well in which candidates serves government of India while belonging to a particular state.
Combined Competitive Preliminary Exam Result 2013-14
The result for the prelim exam is yet to be declared by the board APSC on their official website www.apsc.nic.in. The board website also contains detailed information about other exam as well. Please find other relevant information and documents relating to Assam CCPE on the website. Sources have confirmed that the result of Assam PSC CCPE is going to be declared during the first week of January
To check your APSC CCPE results, you can follow the steps written below :-
  1. Open the official APSC website : www.apsc.nic.in.
  2. Click on the menu option Notices.
  3. On the notices page, you will see all recent notices published by the board.
  4. Find the link for Results for Combined Competitive (PREL) EXAM-2013.
  5. Click on the link to check your results.
Check here our previous discussion on : APSC Combined Competitive Preliminary Exam Answer Keys and review.
19 Jan 2014