The official notification for IBPS SO exam was released on 25th November in which huge number of scale – 1 & scale 2 vacancies was made available. The selection primarily depends on the performance in the written test that will be decided as per score. The online application process ended on 14th December and by that date lakhs of application forms were already registered by students. All those candidates who have submitted their application forms will soon be able to download their admit card/hall tickets. IBPS already specifies all important dates on their website that included exam dates, admit card release date, tentative online exam and result announcement dates.
About IBPS
IBPS is an acronym for Institute of Banking Personnel Selection that is India’s largest Bank recruitment sector which recruits thousands of students every year. IBPS recruits candidates in various disciplines like clerical, PO, specialist officer via a comment written examination that we call as CWE. If you ever think of entering the Banking sector in India, then IBPS CWE is your first step to take.
IBPS SO Admit Card 2014
As written in the official notification all eligible candidates will be able to download their admit cards starting from 28th January. This prior information about admit card release really helps students in saving their precious time for searching of admit cards online even when the institution release them after 1 month. A candidate must bring his/her hall ticket with himself on the date of exam which is mandatory. In absence of such vital document candidate won’t be permitted to enter the examination hall.
Read below the steps to easily download your IBPS Specialist Officer (CWE SPL III) admit card 2014
- Open the official IBPS online portal by clicking here :
- On the left sidebar of the website, click on CWE SPL III.
- Click on the admit card release notice.
- On the next page, enter your personal details to retrieve your admit card.
- Hit the submit button.
Click here to visit the official IBPS website to start the process.