ESIC 267 SSO Examination Admit Card Recruitment 2014
ESIC is going to publish the Admit card for Social Security Officer (SSO) recruitement written examination 2014 very soon on official website. Employees State Insurance Co., Ministry of Labour and Employment, Government of India is going to conduct the written exam for all eligible candidate who have applied for the SSO recruitement 2014. ESIC recently issues a notification for recruiting 267 Social Security Officers (SSOs) in ESI Co. Lot of eligible candidates have applied and online registration process is Completed. So they eagerly is searching ESIC SSO Exam conducted Date 2014, ESIC SSO Admit Card 2014 etc.
Here we providing SSO Previous Question Paper (2011) along with Answer Key for the sake of Candidates. So it will be useful to your preparation. (Question Paper) (Answer Key)
Candidates can easily download their admit card by Login into your account by providing your Log-In ID & Password / Email ID & Date of Birth , Name etc., at below website.given below
ESIC is going to publish the Admit card for Social Security Officer (SSO) recruitement written examination 2014 very soon on official website. Employees State Insurance Co., Ministry of Labour and Employment, Government of India is going to conduct the written exam for all eligible candidate who have applied for the SSO recruitement 2014. ESIC recently issues a notification for recruiting 267 Social Security Officers (SSOs) in ESI Co. Lot of eligible candidates have applied and online registration process is Completed. So they eagerly is searching ESIC SSO Exam conducted Date 2014, ESIC SSO Admit Card 2014 etc.
Here we providing SSO Previous Question Paper (2011) along with Answer Key for the sake of Candidates. So it will be useful to your preparation. (Question Paper) (Answer Key)
Candidates can easily download their admit card by Login into your account by providing your Log-In ID & Password / Email ID & Date of Birth , Name etc., at below website.given below