Gramin Bank of Aryavart recruitment
Gramin Bank of Aryavart has published the final result (written and interview) of officer scale-I, II, III and office assistant (multipurpose) recruitment 2014 through IBPS RRB CWE-II. The official notification was published in December 2013 and the interview was held from 7th to 26th February, 2014.

 To view the list of selected candidates for Gramin Bank of Aryavart RRB-II 2014 recruitment, check out the following links-

The pre-recruitment formalities will be started from 10.04.2014. The date of joining/ reporting will be intimated through email/ SMS. The bank has also published the waitlist of candidates. although they didn't  release the final cutoff marks.

Many many congratulations to all successful candidates!
31 Mar 2014