BSF Recruitment 2014 - Group 'A'  Officers Posts

BSF Recruitment 2014 - Group 'A'  Officers Posts

Border Security Force (BSF) has released latest recruitment notification  for filling up of the 70 posts of Group-A officers  in the BSF (Air Wing). Eligible & Interested Candidates may apply in Prescribed Application format on or before 12 Months from the date of Publication of Advertisement. BSF Recruitment 2014 details is mentioned below. 

BSF Recruitment 2014 Vacancy Details

Total Post: 70 Posts

  1. Captain/Pilot (Deputy General Inspector): 08 Posts 
  2. Sr.Operation Officer (Dy.General Inspector): 01 Post 
  3. Commandant (Pilot): 14 Posts 
  4. Second-In Commandant (Pilot): 05 Posts 
  5. Deputy Commandant (Pilot): 08 Posts 
  6. Chief Engineer (DIG): 01 Post 
  7. Deputy Chief Engineer (Commandant): 06 Posts 
  8. Senior Aircraft Maintenance Engineer/Senior Aircraft Radio Maintenance Engineer: 14 Posts 
  9. Junior Aircraft Maintenance Engineer (Deputy Commandant)/Junior Aircraft Radio Maintenance Engineer: 07 Posts 
  10. Equipment Officer?Sr.Stores Provisioning Officer: 02 Posts 
  11. Logistics (Deputy Commandant): 02 Posts 
  12. Assistant Commandant (Logistics): 02 Posts
Last Date : 12 Months from the date of Publication of Advertisement

For Detailed Notification :
12 Apr 2014