Hindustan Shipyard Limited Recruitment 2014 - Semi-Skilled Workmen Posts

Hindustan Shipyard Limited Recruitment 2014 - Semi-Skilled Workmen Posts

Hindustan Shipyard Limited (HSL), Visakhapatnam has announced latest recruitment notification for filling up of 105 posts of Semi-Skilled workmen. Eligible & Interested Candidates can apply in prescribed application format on or before 24/04/2014. HSL Recruitment 2014 details is mentioned below.

HSL Recruitment 2014 Vacancy Details

Total Post: 105 Post

  1. Welders in SMAW: 42 Posts 
  2. Turner: 05 Posts 
  3. Fitter (incl. Structural Fitters): 25 Posts 
  4. Carpenter: 02 Posts 
  5. Machinist: 03 Posts 
  6. Plumber: 10 Posts 
  7. Electrician: 15 Posts 
  8. Crane Operator: 03 Posts
Age Limit: 28 years as on Date 01/04/2014.

Last Date : 24/04/2014

How To Apply : Interested candidates may send their  duly filled application to the address mentioned below along with all relevant documents.
Dy. General Manager (Pers. & Admn), 
Hindustan Shipyard Ltd.,
Gandhigram (PO),
Visakhapatnm-530 005

HSL Recruitment Notification : http://www.hsl.gov.in/Semi Skilled Recruitment
12 Apr 2014