Gurukulam APTWREIS Entrance Test 2014 | Gurukulam APTWREIS 5th to 9th
classes Admission Test 2014 | APTWREIS Entrance Test 2014 for Admission
into APTWR Schools from Class 5th to 9th | APTWREIS-Gurukulam
Admissions for 5th to 9th classes for the Academic Year 2014-15 |
Gurukulam APTWREIS Entrance Test for admission into Classes V to IX in
APTWR Schools for the Academic Year 2014-15 | GO.Rt.No.252, Dated:
3/04/2014 Permission for conduct of Entrance Test for admissions into
APTWR Schools from Class 5th to 9th
Government of Andhra Pradesh, Tribal Welfare Department has issued Government Order Rt.No.252 on April 3rd, 2014. In this order Government after careful examination of the matter, accords permission for the conduct of Entrance Test for admission into Classes V to IX in APTWR Schools for the Academic Year 2014-15, and approval is also accorded for the criteria devised for admission into APTWR Institutions based on the criteria being followed in Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya Samithi and Rajakeeya Prathibha Vikas Vidyalayas, APREIS, Education Department, Government of Andhra Pradesh and APSWREIS, Government of Andhra Pradesh.
As per Government Order Rt.No.252 the Andhra Pradesh Tribal Welfare Residential Educational Institutions Society (APTWREIS) will be issued APTWREIS Entrance Test 2014 Notification in this month. Gurululam-APTWREIS Entrance Test 2014 for admission into Classes V to IX in APTWR Schools for the Academic Year 2014-15.
Gurukulam-APTWREIS Entrance Test 2014
Government of Andhra Pradesh, Tribal Welfare Department has issued Government Order Rt.No.252 on April 3rd, 2014. In this order Government after careful examination of the matter, accords permission for the conduct of Entrance Test for admission into Classes V to IX in APTWR Schools for the Academic Year 2014-15, and approval is also accorded for the criteria devised for admission into APTWR Institutions based on the criteria being followed in Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya Samithi and Rajakeeya Prathibha Vikas Vidyalayas, APREIS, Education Department, Government of Andhra Pradesh and APSWREIS, Government of Andhra Pradesh.
As per Government Order Rt.No.252 the Andhra Pradesh Tribal Welfare Residential Educational Institutions Society (APTWREIS) will be issued APTWREIS Entrance Test 2014 Notification in this month. Gurululam-APTWREIS Entrance Test 2014 for admission into Classes V to IX in APTWR Schools for the Academic Year 2014-15.
Download the GO.Rt.No.252-Permission for conduct of APTWREIS Entrance Test 2014: Click here