Instructions for Distribution of Summative-III Question Papers
Instructions for School-wise packing and distribution of Summative-III question papers by the MEO from MRCs to school point.

1. The State Project Director, RVM (SSA), AP, Hyderabad Proc. Rc. No. 131/RVM (SSA)/C1/2014, dated. 10.03.2014.
2. The State Project Director, RVM (SSA), AP, Hyderabad Proc. Rc. No. 131/RVM (SSA)/C1/2014, dated. 13.03.2014.
3. The State Project Director, RVM (SSA), AP, Hyderabad Proc. Rc. No. 131/RVM (SSA)/C1/2014, dated. 14.03.2014.

As per the instructions of the State Project Director, RVM (SSA), AP, Hyderabad the DPO has supplied summative-III question papers pertaining to Telugu, English and Urdu medium with the subject-wise and mandal wise packing to MRC vide reference cited above.

Therefore, all the Mandal Educational Officers should identify 3 active CRPs and pack class wise, subject wise and school wise at MRC under the control of MEO and distribute to school point. In this connection the DPO has released Rs. 1500/- to each mandal for expenditure of packing and sealing of summative-III question papers. The Mandal Educational officers are instructed to maintain confidential and secrecy in packing and distribution of the Question papers as follows.

Instructions for Distribution of Summative-III Question Papers

  • 1. The question papers should be supplied in a confidential manner to the school point.
  • 2. The Mandal Educational Officer should identify three active CRPs in advance and the question papers should be packed as per the school actual strength and sealed properly under the supervision of MEO only.
  • 3. The sealed question papers should be supplied to the school point and an acknowledgement should be obtained from the Headmaster after delivery of the question papers.
  • 4. The Mandal Educational Officer has to maintain the secrecy of the papers and should take care while packing and sealing.
  • 5. The Mandal Educational Officer is responsible for all the work regarding summative-III question papers packing and distribution.
  • 6. The Mandal Educational Officers should return the Question Papers to concerned their District Project Office if any found excess immediately. 
Source: Proceedings of the Project Officer. RVM(SSA)
For more details : Click here
13 Apr 2014