Times of India(TOI) Ascent Times is available on online. Candidates who want to download this Thursday newspaper to see all the current vacancies can download the same either from the link http://epaper.timesofindia.com/Daily/Skins/Ascent/section.asp or click on the below link to download.
You can even download the earlier Ascent e-paper to check previous vacancies from the link given below.
Asent times is available for following cities: Pune, Mumbai, Lucknow, Kolkata, Hyderabad, Delhi, Chennai, Bangalore, Ahmedabad, Chennai
GIFT(Gujarat International Finance Tech.-City) Recruitment 2014
Vacancies in following department:
Urban Planning
Infrastructure Planning
Landscape Architecture
Business Development
Fire Services
L&T Hydrocarbon Engineering recruitment 2014
HSE Managers / Engineers / Supervisors
Experience: 5-20 years
Location: Jamnagar, Gujarat
Qualification: Degree / Diploma in Civil, Mechanical . Electrical Engineering
Dev College Managing Committee recruitment 2014
Post: Principals
Pay Band: Rs 15600 - 39100
Education Qualification: Master Degree with at least 50% marks& B.Ed from recognized university
Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Petroleum Technology recruitment 2014
Post: Deputy Registrar(Accounts and Audit)
Pay Scale: Pay Band 3 + Grade pay 7600
Kolkata Port Trust recruitment 2014
Vacancies: 03
Post: Trainee Dock Pilots
Last date: 19th September
Bharat Electrical Limited recruitment 2014
Post: Engineers
Vacancies: 02
Qualification: M.Tech / MS in Laser Technology
CLICK HERE to download the e-paper