Rites Limited Recruitment 2014
Rites Limited, a Government of India Enterprise has published the recruitment details for the post of Civil Engineers a freshers. Interested candidates can check the details & apply for the post from the link given below. Please note the last date to apply for the post is 6th January 2014.

Vacancies details
Name of the Post
Civil Engineer
Number of Vacancies:
Age Limit(as on 01.12.2013): 
Maximum 25 years
Basic Pay:
Rs 16000/- (increment Rs 1200/- per year)
Education Qualification
1st class Degree in Civil Engineering from AICTE/ Govt. approved institutes (2nd class for SC/ST/OBC).
Selection Procedure: Candidates will be selected based on the personal Interview which will be conducted Gurgaon, Ahmdabad, Kolkata, Mumbai, Bhubneshwar and Nagpur.
How to apply: Candidates have to apply online from the official website i.e www.rites.com which is to send with all the relevant documents to the following address
Asstt. Manager(P)/Rectt.,
RITES Ltd., RITES Bhawan,
Plot No.1, Sector-29,
Gurgaon – 122001

Candidates can check Official recruitment Advertisement for more details
08 Dec 2013