SSC Exam results 2013SSC LDC DEO Exam Result 2013 – SSC recently conducted Combined Higher Secondary Level (CHSL) examination for the post of Data entry operators (DEO) & Lower Division Clerk (LDC) on various dates in October & November month. Sources have confirmed that result is going to be announced in December month, so all candidates must stay updated with our regular updates on SSC CHSL exam.

All exams for LDC, DEO were held on 20th Oct, 27th Oct & 10th Nov. You can check out various discussions like paper solution, cut-off marks, and answer keys for this SSC CHSL exam 2013 on our website.

SSC CHSL Expected Cutoff Marks Result- Paper Analysis Held on 20 Oct 2013

SSC has already made available these stuff like Answer keys, cut-offs at their website Those candidates who are eager to know their upcoming results can have a small walkthrough on these exam related stuffs.

About :
(SSC) Staff selection Commission – The solo organizing body behind the CHSL exam that happens to be organized 1 time on every year. This time the exam was completed in two months. SSC is a national level body and is divided in many state level regions. SSC recruits candidates to group “B”, group “c” and sometimes group “D” for LDC & DEO recruitments.

Check your SSC CHSL LDC DEO Result 2013 now

This particular SSC CHSL result is being desperately awaited by students who participated in exam. The no. of vacancies were quite huge and thus required more candidates. Therefore, a large set of students will be selected as clerks & operators. To ensure their place, the name in this result list or merit list is very important.

As of now, the announcement is not yet made and will be coming shortly. But when results are declared on a particular date, you can check them easily by following these steps below :
  1. Open this link :
  2. This link will make you land on English website version of SSC website.
  3. If you don’t understand English, you can easily navigate to Hindi version SSC website as well.
  4. Now, you will find latest notifications in the centre area of the SSC website.
  5. Scroll your mouse pointer and find the release of results ( If its not declared you won’t find any).
  6. After getting the result link, click on it to download your SSC CHSL exam results 2013.
07 Dec 2013