UPSC Results 2013The result of the final phase of CDS exam 1 has been announced online officially by the UPSC. Students who participated in the final exam can now check their results by navigating the website of UPSC using their details.
10 months earlier ( in Feb 2013), UPSC conducted this Combined Defence services exam in which several graduates took part and was held in February month.
The actual selection process started with a single written examination held in Feb month. later on, those candidates who cleared the written exam were called for subsequent SSB Interviews organized by SSB. Based on these personal interviews separate lists of qualified students was made which concluded the final result list. This list contains names of 257 candidates who are to be presented as selected candidates.

UPSC CDS 1 Exam - Final Result 2013

The results for the written exam organized for the recruitment in Indian Military Academy, Indian Naval Academy and Air Force Academy has been announced online at Medical test has not been taken yet, therefore this will not include list of candidates who are qualified for medical test. These interviews were taken by SSB and particular score was given to candidates based on their performance.
How to check CDS Final results ?
  1. Open the website of UPSC by clicking here :
  2. Navigate to the section of What’s new on the right sidebar.
  3. Find the notification of the release of “Final Result - CDS (I) 2013”.
  4. Click on the link to download the result file.
Or you can visit this link to download the result file automatically.
07 Dec 2013