DDO's - How to Fill the “Regular Employee Details” on fdp.cgg.gov.in Website || Regular Employee Details || Follow the Instructions for Regular Employee Details || DDO User Guide for Regular Employee Details || DDO User Manual For Employee Data Capturing Application || Comprehensive Financial Management System

How to Fill the “Regular Employee Details”

How to fill the below employee details?
1.  Key Employment Details
2.  Salary Details
3.  Bank and Other Key Details
4. Employee Residential Address

Regular Employee Details:
“Regular employee Details” screen captures all the relevant information of a Regular / Re-employed / Deputation employee who is appointed to a substantive vacancy on regular basis and who draws on a regular scale of pay as per the service rules governing the post.

Instructions to be followed while filling up the “Regular Employee Details”:
To fill the “Regular Employee Details” form, please follow the below instructions: Under the Data Entry tab in “Home” page, select “Regular Employee Details” and follow the below mentioned instructions.

Field No. Field NameInstructions

1. Key Employment Details
1.1Unique Employee ID provided by DTA/PAODDO must enter the “Employee ID”here provided by the DTA/PAO
1.2Employee CategorySelect the “Employee Category” from the drop down menu which contains o Regular o Re-Employed o Deputation Note: If a DDO selects Deputation, then the field (Deputed From Department) must be filled by the DDO
1.2.1Deputed From DepartmentDDO must select the Deputed Department for the employee here if in case the Deputation option is being selected in 1.2 field
1.2.2Previous Employment DepartmentDDO must select the Previous Employment Department for the employee here if in case the Re-Employed option is being selected in 1.2 field
1.3Surname (ఇంటిపేరు) DDO must enter the complete “Surname” of the employee here as per the Service Registers
1.4NameDDO must enter the “Full Name” of the employee here as per the Service Registers e.g. - SATYAM VENKAT M. K. RAO should be written as
1.5Gendero Male o Female Select the employee Gender details from the given options
1.6Father/Husband NameDDO must enter employees “Father/Husband” name depending on the marital status. In case of Female Employee:  Enter Father name if employee marital status indicates as single  Enter Husbands name if employee marital status indicates as married In case of Male Employee: Enter only Father name here
1.7Date of BirthDDO must select the employee “Date of Birth” details as per the Service Register
1.8Marital StatusDDO must select the employee “Marital” status from the drop down menu
1.9Place of BirthDDO must select the District, Mandal and Village details from the drop down menu in the “Place of Birth” field for an employee whose details are being entered
1.1Post/Designation at first appointmentSelect the “Post/Designation at first appointment” of the employee from the drop down menu
1.11Date of Entry into ServiceDDO must select the “Date of entry” into the service as per the information in Service Register
1.12Place of Initial AppointmentDDO must select the District, Mandal and Village details from the drop down menu in the Place of Initial Appointment
1.13Initial Department DDO must select the “Initial Department” details from the drop down menu
1.14Details of Local Status as per presidential orderDDO must select the District, Mandal and Village details from the drop down menu in the “localization as per presidential order” field as per Service Register.
1.15Current Designation/PostSelect the “Current Designation/Post” of the employee from the drop down menu
1.15.1Employee StatusSelect the category under which an employee falls by selecting from the available options
1.16Local Cadre of the PostSelect the local cadre of the post under which an employee is posted
1.17Office in Which Employee is WorkingSelect the name of the Office from the drop down menu where employee is currently working
1.18Head of Account of SalarySelect the Head of Account under which the employee’s salary is claimed (drop down will be available after mapping of Head of Account in Head of Account mapping screen).
1.19Is spouse working? If “Yes” thenCheck in the “Yes or No” radio button DDO with the selection of radio button “Yes” must select the appropriate option from the drop down menu (e.g. University, Corporation, and Government etc.).
1.19.1Name of OfficeDDO must enter the Office name where spouse is working
1.19.2Office LocationDDO must enter the Office Location where spouse is working
1.19.3 Name of SpouseDDO must enter the name of the Spouse here
1.19.4Aadhar NumberDDO must enter the Spouse’s Aadhar Number here
1.19.5Aadhar Enrolment Number:DDO must enter the Spouse’s Aadhar Enrolment number here (if Aadhar number is not available).
1.2Mobile No.DDO must enter the “Mobile number” of the employee which is currently in use.
1.21Personal E-mail: DDO must enter the “Personal e-mail id” of the employee which is currently in use.
1.22Personal ID provided by Department:DDO must provide the Personal ID which is provided by the concerned Department (Example Police/Fire etc.)
1.23Community:DDO must select a community to which an employee belongs from drop down menu.

2. Salary Details
2.1Scales ApplicableSelect the “Scale Applicable” for the employee from the drop down menu
2.2Pay ScaleSelect the employee “Pay Scale” from the drop down menu
2.3Current Basic DDO must enter the “Current basic” of the employee here
2.4Next Date of IncrementSelect the “Next Date of Increment” of the employee
2.5Special Pay DDO must enter the “Special pay” details of the employee (if applicable)
2.6Personal PayDDO must enter the “Personal pay” details of the employee (if applicable)
2.7Stay in Govt. QuartersCheck in the “Yes” radio button if an employee stays in Govt. quarter, and “No” in case the accommodation is not being utilised
2.8Standard Rent PaidIf the DDO selected yes for field no.2.7, he must enter the “Standard Rent Paid” amount towards the accommodation being used

3. Bank and Other Key Details
3.1GPF NumberDDO enter the “GPF Number” for the employee if the joining date is before 01-Sep-2004
3.2PRAN / CPS NumberDDO must enter the “PRAN / CPS Number” of the employee in case joining date ison or after 01-Sep-2004
3.3APGLI NumberDDO must enter the “APGLI Number” of the employee here
3.4Aadhar NumberDDO must enter the “Aadhar Number” of the employee here
3.5Aadhar Enrolment NumberDDO must enter the “Aadhar Enrolment Number” of the employee in case Aadhar number is not available.
3.6PANDDO must enter the ”PAN Number” of the employee here
3.7Ration CardDDO must enter the “Ration Card Number” of the employee here
3.8Bank NameSelect the “Bank Name” from the drop down menu
3.9District of the Bank BranchSelect the “District for the Bank Branch” from the drop down menu
3.1Bank BranchSelect the Branch details of the Bank from the drop down menu
3.11IFS CodeThe value in this field will be auto populated upon selecting the Bank Branch details
3.12Bank Account Number for entry of SalaryDDO must enter the Bank account number of the employee where the salary will be transferred regularly
3.13Contribution to EHS byIf an employee’s spouse is working in state government then (when field 1.19 is selected as YES).DDO must select any of the following options given o Self o Spouse o Exemption

4. Employee Residential Address
4.1Street/Road/LaneDDO must enter the name of the Street/Road/Lane where employee is residing
4.2LandmarkDDO must enter the nearest “Landmark” where employee is residing.
4.3Area/Locality/Sector DDO must enter the name of the “Area/Locality/Sector” where employee residing.
4.4DistrictSelect the “District” details from the drop down menu
4.5Mandal Select the respective “Mandal” from the drop menu
4.6Village/Town/CitySelect the respective “Village/Town/City” from the drop down menu
4.7PIN code DDO must enter the “Pin code” details.

Please note the following: 

  • All the employees on deputation, the details to be entered by the DDO who prepares their pay bill.
  •  Please select re-employed only when the employee previously worked in state/central Government and joined back after resignation/retirement. 
  • Click “Save” button to save the records and update later. 
  • Click “Submit” button to submit the record. 
  • Once the data is submitted the DDO cannot edit the Regular employee screen. 
  • The regular employee details screen appears as shown below:
